Baltijos valdovė / Interaktyvi


INTERAKTYVI knyga vaikams (6-12 m.)

  • Sakmė apie Jūratę ir Kastytį, aut. Sigitas Poškus, pagal Liudviko Jucevičiaus padavimą.
  • Žaidimas – užmerktomis akimis atpažinti iš baltų simbolių liečiamas iliustracijas.
  • Lavina pojūčius, ugdo sąmoningumą ir padeda įsijausti į neregio būseną.
  • Edukacinė knyga su matomomis ir nematomomis iliustracijomis, papildyta Brailio raštu.
  • Prisidedate prie leidžiamų ir dovanojamų knygų neregiams!

Sakmė “Baltijos valdovė” (sakmė apie  Jūratę ir Kastytį)

Sigitas Poskus, illustrator Marija Smirnovaite

Children 6-12 y.o.

The story about Jurate and Kastytis, recreated according to the legend of Liudvikas Adam Jucevicius 'The Goddess of the Baltic Sea'. There are two types of illustrations in the book - visible and tactile. Prominent illustrations are created using white symbols with names. Children who notice the meanings of these symbols can recognize them by touching the book with their eyes closed. This game not only improves children's creativity but also helps to see drawings as blind 'see' them. The interactive book helps children to get to know one of the most famous Lithuanian legends about Jurate and Kastytis, which is included in the primary school curriculum.

The book contains a CD with the soundtrack of the first legend of Jurate and Kastytis, which was read by the host and singer Marijonas Mikutavicius and the vocalist of the group 'Skyle' Aiste Smilgeviciute.

'The Goddess of The Baltic Sea' is a unique book for sighted and with special educational needs children. The book is read with different sensations, has an educational effect and is a great tool for children’s educational activities. Sounding expands the ability to not only read, touch, but also listen to books. The interactive book develops children's memory, activates tactile receptors, develops children's creativity, empathy and tolerance. It is a means of cognition for the sighted and an opportunity for the blind to read the same books with their loved ones.


By purchasing this book, you contribute to the publication of books for sighted and blind children as well as to social projects that reduce the exclusion of disabled people.

Weight 0.5 kg
Dimensions 21 × 26.5 × 1.5 cm