'The Planet of God's Children' - a modern story written by priest Algirdas Toliatas and illustrated by artist Kristina Norvilaite tells about children's relationships and friendships, about the ability to accept - 'different' people. About how moral and spiritual values change our lives.
God created a planet for children and wanted it to be full of joy and goodness. They did not spare all sorts of gifts, they initially delighted the children, but later everything changed. The children became angry, unhappy and living in chaos destroyed a planet that had no place even for the Creator. One day the children met the boy Jesus. He, by his example, opened the eyes of the inhabitants of the planet and revealed the secret of divine superpowers and blessings.
In the book, interactive tasks will encourage children to think about what is nearby and build a more beautiful relationship. The postcard is printed also in Braille which will help to make things invisible to the eye feel different.
We hope that this book will fill the hearts of children with the gifts of God and allow them to experience a feeling that is difficult to see with the eyes.
Kunigas ALGIRDAS TOLIATAS (g. 1978) – 2007 m. įšventintas kunigu, Lietuvos policijos kapelionas (nuo 2013 ), Vilniaus Švč. Mergelės Marijos Ramintojos bažnyčios kunigas (nuo 2017). Išleistos knygos: „Žmogaus ir Dievo metai“, „Gerumo liūnas“, „Šeštas jausmas yra pirmas“ „Sekmadienio SMS“, „Ramybė Tau“ (leidykla “Tyto alba”) ir knyga vaikams „Dievo vaikų planeta“ (leidykla “Verslas ar menas”).
Author priest Algirdas Toliatas
Compiler Egle Jokuzyte
Illustrator and designer: Kristina Norvilatie
Editor Brone Vineviciene
© Publishing House 'Business or Art', 2019
ISBN 978-609-8225-03-7 9786098225037
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